How To Craft An Effective Landing Page

A landing page acts as the page that a first-time visitor sees when they arrive at your site. These pages act as the new direct marketing. Before we embark on the creation of appealing landing pages, it is necessary we first understand why they are important. A huge part of marketing is based on where you send traffic.

Importance of landing page


  1. It is the page that a visitor clicks to go to another page


  1. It gets a visitor to buy a product or service


  1. It is the page that lets a visitor tell their friends about.


  1. It is the page that lets the visitor comment or gives you some form of feedback.


  1. It is the page that gets visitor permission for you to follow up by the use of email or phone.


What makes a good landing page?


An effective page is defined by the following.


  1. They are composed of engaging headlines


  1. They are simple with very specific language


  1. They have benefits before features


  1. They are clear with compelling proof


  1. They clearly express calls to action


  1. They have confident guarantees


How to make better landing pages


Crafting an effective and resourceful landing page lays the foundation of any successful online marketing. A landing page should always be flawless, highly persuasive and grab the full attention of the visitors in order to compel them to complete a conversion.


Tips to Making Effective Landing Pages


  1. Limit Navigation


Once you have brought your targeted traffic to the page, do not distract them with unnecessary navigation. Limit the number of the exits from the landing page in order to make your visitors focused on filling out the form.


  1. Deliver Value


In the case that you have and unique and valuable offer, your visitors are going to give out to you their contact information in the exchange of the offer. Make sure that your offer is compelling to the audience and that your landing page demonstrates that values.


  1. Keep it short


Of your landing page is long, you are going to add more friction to the lead conversion process. Keep your lead short, simple and straightforward and you will increase the conversion rate.


  1. Clean and Organized Design


The look, the feel and the overall structure of your landing page design will have a huge influence on the effectiveness of the page, and this will determine how well it drives the conversion. Make smart use of the color with the incorporation of eye-catching images.


  1. Make use of Headers to Broadcast Offer Value


A good page should have a strong offer and must be able to give an explanation as to why the offer is valuable in very clear and concise terms. The header and the sub-headlines must provide key opportunities to promote the value of the offer.

Why social media is critical to your online marketing efforts

There are many social media marketing strategies that can help you to improve your online marketing efforts. These days online marketing is one of the best ways to promote your business or your idea. You will find that the social media strategies listed below will help you to change the way that you view your online marketing efforts.

Tip #1: Make a Plan and Keep it Up

If you do not have a plan for your online marketing efforts then your content will not last. You should put a limit on the amount of tweets you do each day. You can change this later but you should have a certain date as to when you will stick with that plan. This will allow you to see what is working and what is not working. Another idea is to put your content creation ideas into a Google Excel Docs easy to read editorial calendar.

Tip #2: Treat Every Social Media Strategy Individually

When you treat each social media strategy individually you will be able to provide different audiences with specific content that you created. Some examples are that LinkedIn is generally more focused on business and educational content while Instagram is more visual related content.

Tip #3: Offer Excellent Customer Service

When you get tweets or comments on your posts or even when you get emails from someone make sure that you respond in a timely manner. This will show your customers that you care about their thoughts and their responses. If someone did have anything negative to say, deal with it sooner rather than later. The worse thing that you can do is to ignore someone who has an issue with your business or your product.

Tip #4: Keep track of your posts and keep it up

You are going to want to keep track of the posts that you make so you know what content you released and when you did it. You can keep track of your statistics so you know what business is coming in and how many viewers you are getting. You will want to focus on how many posts you are publishing, how many followers you have and whether your followers are growing, how many page views you have and so much more.

Tip #5: You will want to keep up your presence on Google+

Many people think that Facebook is the main source of online marketing. However, the main presence that you have should be on Google+. This is becoming the foundation of online marketing for a business. This tool will help you in many ways from allowing you to post, tracking your progress, keeping a schedule and so much more.

As you can now see social media is really critical to your online marketing efforts. There are many different social media sites that are used for many different reasons. When you keep up with your social media presence you will find that it truly does help your business.


Why backlinks are so important to search engine rankings?

When it comes to business or promoting anything for that matter, search engine rankings are going to help a bunch. One of the most important parts of search engine rankings is backlinks. The backlinks are the links that send people to your website. These are also the foundation for great search engine optimization for your site as well. The more backlinks you can get the better your search engine optimization will be. However, you will need to make sure that your backlinks are quality links and not just selling stuff.

More About the Quality of the Links

While you do need to have a great amount of inbound links, you also need to make sure that those are quality links as well. In order for any search engine to figure out the link quality, the site’s content must look great. This means that you will need to keep your website content relevant to the link that you are providing. When you use the backlinks that are of higher quality you will be bringing more visitors to your site. You can’t just make a website and think that people will just find it. You have to get the word out there and you can do this through quality backlinks.

Tools to Consider When Back-linking

When you are thinking about back-linking you should track the backlinks that you use. This way you know where you are linking to and when. By tracking the links you will also be able to see if the anchor text that you are using is bringing more visitors to your site. There are backlink tracking tools that you can use to do this.

Another great tool that you can use is the backlink builder tool. This will help to find the websites that related to your business so that you can get more quality links. You can easily just put in keyword and this helps you to find related websites.

You will really want to pay attention to your anchor text. This is highly important when you are creating the backlinks of higher quality. The anchor text is the keyword or keywords that you use to connect to your hyperlink that you are using. The old way of connecting hyperlinks was to write click here and that is not even for the new search engine optimization rules. There is a backlink anchor text analysis tool to see if the backlinks are linked with the text that you are using. Throughout this whole process you will find that back-linking really does improve your search engine rankings.

There are many processes that help to improve the rankings of your site within multiple search engines. However, you will see that providing backlinks within the content will link back to your site. By providing quality backlinks, you will see that you can bring more visitors to your website. This can help to improve not only your search engine rankings but your business as well.

Two ways to get more visitors to your website


When you are trying to advertise your business or your product or when you are trying to get people to come to your website there are some things that you will need to do. You are going to find that there are two main ways that you can get more visitors to your website. The two main things that you are going to want to do are to create great headlines and write posts that are high in great content.

Developing Great Headlines

When you are trying to bring people to your website you are going to want to create great headlines. These headlines are going to be the first thing that your viewers read. Also when someone shares your post they are almost always going to be the only part of your post that is seen within the share. The title of your headline will determine whether someone will click on it or not. The headline needs to grab the reader’s attention. Also when you create great headlines then you will see that your social media views increase as well. There are many things that make up an effective headline.

Writing Post that are high in Great Content

When you create the posts or the articles for your website or your blog you will want to create the posts that are high in great content. These higher quality posts and articles will help you to have much better search engine rankings. You will want to have each and every post or article that you create to answer a question that your reader might have. You will also want to make sure that every post or article gives the reader the information that they will need in regards to their question. Writing posts and articles that are high in great content is going to be one of the best ways for you to bring in traffic to your website. This high quality content should be purposed to give your readers something that they can’t get just anywhere. You will want to make sure that your posts and your articles are very useful for your readers and very helpful as well. You aren’t going to be able to and you aren’t going to want to just take information from other websites and put it on your site. You are going to want your information to be unique. You are not going to want to use content generators. The more unique and fulfilled your posts and articles are the better. You will need content that is more creative than other websites. If you do just copy or spin the content from another website this will be cause through the search engine rankings and this will move your website to the bottom of the list.

These are the main two ways that you are going to use in order to bring visitors to your website. If you follow these tips then you will be well on your way to increasing your website’s traffic.